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How To Optimize Your Posts on Trunkline

Creating a compelling and effective post on Trunkline involves more than just writing text; it's about presenting a comprehensive narrative. This includes adding rich media like photos and videos, as well as incorporating actionable data points like specs, dimensions, and KPIs. In this guide, we’ll break down how you can optimize your posts into different categories for consistency and maximum impact. #Photos **Add 4-5 Photos on Each Post** A picture is worth a thousand words. Adding multiple photos will provide a fuller understanding of your project or service. **Add Action Photos** Dynamic, action photos help show your team in action, providing a live glimpse into what you can offer. **Add Before and After Photos** These show tangible results, from the starting point to the end product, which helps build credibility. **Add Photos with Team Members, Tools, and Equipment in View** Show off the experts and the tools that make your project successful. **Landscape Photos** Landscape orientation often offers better framing and utilizes screen space effectively, making your photos more appealing. #Content and Description **Add Project Location** Adding a project location helps your audience understand the logistical aspects and also adds geographical relevance to your post. **Add Specs, Dimensions, KPIs, Metrics in Title and Description** Detailed specs and metrics offer a quantitative understanding of what you're presenting, giving your audience a full scope of your capabilities. **Add Relevant Keywords** Incorporate industry-specific keywords to make your post easily searchable and more discoverable. **Add 1-2 Sentences in Description** A concise yet descriptive paragraph adds context to your post, helping the audience quickly understand what you're offering. #Additional Features **Add Videos via YouTube Links** Embedding a video can bring a dynamic edge to your post, offering a multimedia experience to your audience. **Click "Close Post”** if You Want to Save as Draft If you're not ready to publish, utilize the "Close Post" feature to save your work as a draft, which you can revisit later. Optimizing your posts using these guidelines not only improves visibility but also enhances user engagement. So the next time you're creating a post on Trunkline, keep these tips in mind for maximum impact.


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