Sprayberry Horizontal Directional Drills (HDD)
*Installation of 8" to 20" steel casings for various water lines in the Sprayberry area. Utilized our Vermeer 100x140 to do the drilling, R250C for reclaiming, and several Hydro-Vacs to excavate lines.* **Horizontal Boring: The Better, Less Expensive, Safer, Faster Alternative** Only a few decades ago, laying a pipeline or a utility run meant trenching. And that meant ripping, tearing, shredding anything that lay within the path of the run. There was simply no other way to get the job done. But then horizontal boring technology was developed. And pioneering companies like West Texas Boring Company offered a better way to lay underground infrastructure from point A to point B. Instead of destroying everything between points A and B in excavating a costly, time-consuming trench, the alternative is to bore beneath the surface. Simply slip underneath the surface at point A, and reemerge at point B. All points in between are left undamaged and undisturbed. **Massive Benefits** The benefits offered by horizontal boring are extensive. Compared to the alternative of trenching, horizontal boring enables: - Lower project costs - Deeper installations as needed - Shorter project completion times - Safety when digging underneath lines because of the use of transits and sonar technology to determine the precise clearance of all lines in the path - Minimal environmental disturbance - No disruption to infrastructure between entry and exit points - Faster project completion - Cheaper project completion in many situations - Minimal surface restoration requirements Through the years, the technology behind horizontal boring has progressed rapidly. Today, horizontal runs of greater than a mile are possible, with bore diameters of up to 4 feet. As a result, the benefits of horizontal boring are valued by a wide range of industries. Though traditionally utilized by the oil and gas industry, other uses for trenchless technology include: - Telecommunications lines - Power conduits - Water lines - Sewer lines - Product pipelines - Environmental Remediation *Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel at* [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1EFAu57hiD_TSP0QEQSdMA] **West Texas Boring is your premier HDD Company. We feature all the latest equipment and technologies to quickly and professionally get the job done. Our personnel are global experts in HDD pipeline installations.** We work in every industry that requires directional drilling. This includes oil and gas, telecom, utilities, as well as any municipal work. Follow Us on Instagram at [https://www.instagram.com/westtexasboring/] TikTok at [https://www.tiktok.com/@westtexasboring] LinkedIn at [https://www.linkedin.com/company/5723338/] Twitter at [https://twitter.com/westtexasboring] YouTube at [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1EFAu57hiD_TSP0QEQSdMA] And be sure to visit our website at [http://westtexasboring.com/]