30 inch Safe Service Fitting (SSF) Rev2

SSF rev2 is a cost-efficient solution for the general maintenance of oil, gas or other liquid distribution systems. Unlike our competitors’ valves, the rev2 is uniquely designed to combine line tapping, line stopping, and valve insertion that minimizes investment and operating costs.

This fitting goes on 30 inch pipes, it has 2 inch diameter threaded center for accessing the pipes.

30” Safe Service Fitting is your basic 2” Hot-tap, that allows for equalization and blowdown. This can also be used as a future check for leaks on your high and low piping, allows contractors to go back in without calling companies back out to remove plugs, and can be completed depending what the contractor wants.

We have every size for your needs 2” up to 36”.


Listing created Mar 4, 2023

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