Our company Seismos, uses acoustic technology to inspeciton pipelines for Stuck Pigs, Restrictions/Blockages, and Build-up. Our technology ties into any above ground connection and emits an acoustic pulse into the pipeline's media/pressure. The signal travels for miles and reflects off any anomoly that causes the internal diameter to change.
If interested, please contact
Matthew Giardina
Pipeline, Stuck Pig, Res
Listing created
Jan 9, 2024
Nathanael S. Hammer
1 year agoVery nice technology. Can any pipeline operator use this technology, or does a Seismos representative have to be the one to set up/monitor/etc.?
Matthew Giardina
1 year agoOur current setup requires our team to provide the field data aquistion. The process usually takes about 2 hours to gather the data from each location. We typically like to make sure the pipeline is isolated to the area of inspection.
Joseph Chrasta
1 year agoIs your technology capable of detecting an obstruction caused by a barred tee fitting that is protruding into the flow path?
Matthew Giardina
1 year agoYes. Anything that changes the Internal Diameter of the pipe. Obstructions will produce a return signal.